Liron Peretz, 26, is a renowned fashion and urban photographer that works in Israel and abroad covering exhibitions, photo shooting campaigns and portraits. Liron derives her inspiration from the artistry that dwells her mind, exhibitions such as Annie Leibovitz; Helmut Newton early work in the rolling stones magazine while incorporating movies cinematic aspects like camera angles, beautiful lighting, colors, composition and locations.
(Franziska Michael)
Three weeks ago, during Berlin Fashion Week, Liron exclusively covered Vogue Italy's runway shows and 'behind the scene' footage. Liron - "I really enjoy the collaborations with Vogue and I feel so lucky for it." The weather was perfect and the city's ambiance grew on her, as she was running around from one show to another, Liron had the privilege to become acquainted with some remarkable personas. Amongst the crowd were local designers that greatly sparked her interest.
A remarkable event in her journey was the moment Liron suddenly found herself as a human 'Tripod' on the photographers’ podium. The podium lensed the runway shows and every photographer had his own spot marked on the floor a week before the exhibition, whoever fails to catch spot was lingering in the back, and as you can imagine, "it got really ugly back there."
Liron - "While I was tensely shooting the exhibition, out of nowhere, I felt something leaning on my shoulder and when I turned to take a look I saw a crazy big ass lens, I was the missing tripod. It was so crowded that you couldn't move and of course you didn't want to poke any other photographers while they're shooting so I just stood there minding my own business".
(VonschwanenflÅgel-Pupke) (Ep Anoui by Eva Poleschinski)
Amid all of the experience fashion week has to offer, when a day is comes to an end, the limelight turns onto fashion week's perpetual parties, Liron's party tour kicked off with The Dandy Diary's blog underground party, after that 'The Shit Shop' local boutique's party (owned by Bonnie Strange) and finally the most acclaimed celebrations by the designer Michael Michalsky, that was publicized by the official fashion week website and had live coverage of the designer's runway debut earlier that day; The party was VIP only and among all of the unfamiliar faces Liron spotted the Israeli top model Miriam Rott in which her Hebrew finally came to use.

Liron's fashion week's highlight was the backstage coverage, which was far more interesting for her than upfront runway showcasing. Liron - "I just love it where the ambiance directly impacts numerous people, that way you can capture some beautiful spontaneous moments".
(Umasan) (Anoui Backstage)
Liron - " I really love the special connection I’m having with the people I work with, as soon as you achieve an understanding and a mutual method with any other model or subject, that's when the magic happens and everything photographs smoothly and natural, these are the photos I choose to use at the end."
(Ivan Man) (Marc Stone)
It's a special time in Liron's life, a dream in which she's fulfilling by moving the center of her life to Berlin, it's most definitely not easy but then again very exciting. She has been finding herself amidst new-formed friendships, and expanding her fashion photography skills, especially while shooting backstage in Europe's upcoming fashion weeks. She plans on embracing her new location, eventually plans to travel and discover the country scenery.

(Malaika Raiss) (DiMITRI - Miriam Rott on the left)
Liron - " I'm crazy about Tel-Aviv and it's so hard to leave my family, friends and home country behind. But when you get an opportunity as special as this to move to Berlin me and my life partner have decided to grab it and enjoy a once in a lifetime experience. To move to another country sounds like a romantic-spontaneous idea at first but it's about a big call you make, intensive but yet exciting for us; Hopefully I'll be back just before Tel-Aviv's fashion week begins."